
Thank you!
Your request has been received

What happens next?

Suppliers who can meet your requirements will be in touch with their quotation. You will receive an email to notify you of new quotes.

Once you accept a quotation you will be asked to pay a 30% down payment to confirm the booking. Our Staff will be in touch with you to accomodate your needs and to sort out balance payment and security deposit prior the rental starts.

Your chosen vehicle will be delivered to your location! You’ll need to sign the Rental Contract, and you’ll need to be there in person to pick up the car.

Ask a question

If you want to find out more about this rental request, ask us a question below and we’ll follow up as soon as we can.

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Request Vehicle Addition

If you're trying to add a vehicle that isn't currently listed, please provide details of the make and model below and we'll add it to our inventory.

Power in BHP